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Fire Safety


Fire Safety

STATUS: Approved
COMMENTS: To be reviewed 01/09/2022



To alert employees of the Company to the dangers of fire and identify the preventative precautions which need to be taken.



It is the policy of the Company to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that all staff, contractors and visitors are protected from the risk of fire whilst on the premises. This policy explains how the Company complies with the Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order 2005, to ensure that, where possible, fire is prevented and that any fire risks are adequately controlled


Procedure and Guidance


Recent annual statistics reveal Fire and Rescue Services attended 169,588 fires in England, 27,240 fires in Scotland and 10,751 fires in Wales, with 321 fatalities in England, 44 in Scotland and 19 in Wales.


Risk Assessment

Confidence in the arrangements for reducing the potential for a fire to occur in the first place is obtained by ensuring that a comprehensive risk assessment is undertaken in respect of the premises, and this risk assessment is subject to regular review. The fire risk assessment model to be used by the Company is attached. The fire risk assessment asks significant questions which go to the heart of fire safety and the precautions which must be taken at all times. The most significant of these are:

  1. Confirmation of the regular review of the fire risk assessment, with dates
  2. That arrangements are in place to support the needs of any individual with a disability issue which might hamper their escape from the premises in the event of a fire
  3. That all employees understand who is in charge in the event of a fire
  4. Fixed electrical installations are inspected and tested at regular intervals
  5. Portable electric appliances are inspected and tested on a risk-assessed basis
  6. Employees are given adequate information, instruction and training on the use of portable electrical equipment, trailing leads and electrical adaptors
  7. If smoking is permitted, it will only be permitted in an outdoor space suitable for this purpose
  8. The use of portable heaters is strictly controlled, ensuring no contact with combustible material under any circumstances
  9. Combustible materials are always separated from ignition sources
  10. Escape routes are clear of obstructions and any combustible materials
  11. There are arrangements in place for the safe storage and disposal of waste
  12. Fire alarm systems are regularly tested
  13. Fire extinguisher(s) receive regular inspection


Understanding how fires start

Fires need three things to start – a source of ignition (heat), a source of fuel (something that burns) and oxygen:

  • sources of ignition include heaters, lighting, naked flames, electrical equipment, smokers’ materials (cigarettes, matches etc), and anything else that can get very hot or cause sparks
  • sources of fuel include wood, paper, plastic, rubber or foam, loose packaging materials, waste rubbish and furniture
  • sources of oxygen include the air around us


Basic measures and precautions

Overall Responsibility

All Health and Safety issues for the Company are the responsibility of the Managing Director, who will ensure that a fire risk assessment is undertaken and regularly reviewed, and that staff are aware of the findings of the fire risk assessment, the measures to be taken, and the precautions to be followed.


Staff Training and Drills

All employees will be made aware, upon joining the Company, of the arrangements in place in the event of a fire occurring, including:

  • Fire risks in the premises
  • The general fire precautions in the building
  • Action in the event of a fire
  • Action on hearing the fire alarm signal
  • Method of operation of manual call points
  • Location and use of fire extinguishers
  • Means for summoning the fire and rescue service
  • Identity of persons nominated to assist with evacuation
  • Identity of persons nominated to use fire extinguishing appliances
  • Means of escape to be used
  • Safe use, storage and disposal of dangerous or flammable substances
  • Ensuring that all employees/visitors evacuate safely

In addition, all employees will be provided with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Booklets “Maintaining Portable Electrical Equipment in low-risk environments” and “Electrical Safety and You” as part of their induction training.


All employees are requested to report any concerns they have about fire safety/hazards without delay.

The Company aims for a Fire Drill once a year.


If fire breaks out

The Office has battery-operated fire sensors which are placed at strategic points. These sensors are tested regularly. In the event of a fire breaking out the most senior person on duty will decide whether:

  1. The fire can be tackled safely without the need to summon assistance, and without endangering life; or
  2. Whether he/she needs to call the Fire Service

Such decisions will be made without delay. If the Fire Service is called, then the individual doing so will liaise with the senior Fire Officer upon his/her arrival to explain the situation, the layout, areas of significant risk and whether any individual is known to be in the building, or unaccounted for.


Fire- fighting equipment

The office has one fire extinguisher, regularly maintained, which is suitable for electrical fires.



If the Fire Service has been called, then the premises will be evacuated immediately. All employees are instructed not to return to the building or delay their evacuation on account of their desire to retrieve documents or personal possessions. Human life is above everything else.


KLOE Reference for this Policy: Safe 

Regulations directly linked to this Policy: Regulation 12: Safe care and treatment

Regulation(s) relevant to this Policy:

